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The Interceptor Honeybee Swarm Trap

was purpose designed and engineered to provide a state-of-the-art means of capturing honeybee swarms. This swarm-capturing device was recently reviewed and received a patent and trademark from the United States Patent and Trademark Office. It is currently the only such device to receive a patent.

Importance of Swarm Capture

Why We Should Capture Honeybee Swarms

Important for Pollination

First, it’s a consensus that honeybees are very important for pollination, which is essential for much of our food supply. Some say up to nearly 30%- 40% of our diets. Without honeybees, our food supply would be severely impacted, and many crops would fail.

Maintain Biodiversity

Additionally, honeybees play a very important role in maintaining biodiversity in our ecosystems. A decline in their presence can have a negative ripple effect throughout our ecosystem.

Product Resources

Finally, honeybees are a valuable resource for honey and other products such as beeswax and propolis. They also provide melittin (a component in bee venom) used in apitherapy which is a growing natural therapy for several health ailments.

This list goes on and on. Honeybees are extremely important for life as we know it
today. We need to work diligently at assuring their health and numbers.

The survival rate of honeybee swarms

In the wild can vary greatly depending on a number of factors such as the location, availability of food and water sources, and the presence of predators and disease. Honeybee swarms are greatly challenged in finding suitable nest sites in the wild and the vast majority fail.

In general, it is estimated that the survival rate of honeybee swarms in the wild is relatively low, with only 10% – 30% of swarms successfully establishing a new stable colony.

This is where THE INTERCEPTOR Honeybee Swarm Trap can be an important tool for conserving these most important pollinators. Once a swarm is captured, it can be hived in traditional beekeeping equipment and managed to ensure its survival and growth to a healthy, large, stable colony. Furthermore, these hived swarms can then be split to provide more hives in an exponential manner to become additional colonies. Such techniques can become dynamically exponential in increasing honeybee numbers not only nationwide but also globally.

Most beekeepers are very familiar with honeybee swarm trapping. It’s not very difficult if one follows a few basic techniques, such as using the proper lure and finding the proper location(s).

You’re not a beekeeper? This doesn’t matter.

You can capture swarms, and there are local beekeepers near you who will want your swarm(s) and return your swarm trap to you for yet another capture. In many areas, the general public (non-beekeepers) is becoming engaged in swarm trapping. You can help save honeybees. It’s easy. It’s fun, and it’s very rewarding.